Why You Should Make an Online Course
Last year, I decided that I wanted to find a way to make a little bit extra money, but I didn’t really know what to do. I didn’t want to work in a store, I didn’t want to work during the summer, and I wanted something that was flexible and could work around me setting the schedule and not someone else doing that for me. So, not knowing much about online business, I started doing some research and discovered the world of e-learning or online learning. I remember going onto some of the different websites for the first time and was amazed to see courses on almost every topic imaginable from learning a language to the science of happiness to cooking and many more! I figured, why not have a go and try to make an online course of my own, sell it, and see what happens. This lead to me creating my first online course that showed teachers around the world how to use a specific app in their classrooms for intersectional purposes. Now, I don’t imagine you are interested in that course unless you are a teacher yourself, but creating that course taught me a lot of skills that I want to share with you today. In this first video of my “Making An Online Course” video series, I hope to tell you three reasons why you should make an online course, which will help you add another stream of income. Adding another income, allowed me to take that money and reinvest it back into things like better equipment, training, and other things. The three points are:
- We all have things that we are passionate about, so why not turn those skills or that knowledge into dollar signs? One of the ways people are rewarded financially is because they provide value. The neat thing about online learning is you have an interest and expertise, you create the course, and you can literally sell it to anything in the world who has an internet connection. There might not be anyone in your local area that would be interested in your course topic, but when it’s marketed properly, that courses could reach hundreds, if not thousands of people — all paying the price you set.
- It isn’t super hard to do. Before creating my first course, I had very little experience with filming, recording, and editing and now I feel pretty confident in doing them because I learned how to do those things as I created my course. What I tell people is “It isn’t hard to do, there is just a lot to learn” and that goes for the first time you do most things. I found if I didn’t know how to do something, there were plenty of great videos on YouTube, or tutorials on the internet I could search up and I usually had the answer solved within minutes. So, when creating your first online course, I want you to know that there is a lot of help out there, most if not all of which you can do on your own and it wouldn’t be too hard. An alternate option would be to hire someone to do the editing for you, and you split a percentage of the profits.
- The work is done. Once you’ve completed your course, it’s done! You don’t have to watch it 24/7 to see how many students are buying your course, depending on your topic, you might not need to update the course, but the coolest part for me, was once my course was made, I could literally go to sleep, wake up, and someone bought my course. I CAN MAKE MONEY WHILE SLEEPING!
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