Stop, Reflect, and Learn More Often
I need more of this.
It can be so easy to get caught up in the hustle-and-bustle of the world we live in. We can lose sight of the things that are important. The habits we have that aren’t productive, healthy, or purposeful.
I’m ending a very rewarding school year, but as I look back at it, I realize that it has definitely been my busiest and most challenging. As the year progressed I had to prepare for lessons, finish marking, coaching commitments, starting and creating content for Greatness EveryDay, and a lot of other stuff happening in my life that had my mind occupied, I was able to stop and reflect about how busy I was. I also noticed when I was taking too much on and when I had a healthy balance, but I sometimes failed to ACT ON THESE REFLECTIONS.
Now, as the year comes to a close, I am wondering why I didn’t put these lessons into action. In certain instances, I think it was because I didn’t want to act — I call this “laziness”. Perhaps it was because I was afraid to act in a few situations. Other times, I think that I was trying my best to act on what I learned, but sometimes it fizzled out or maybe I just wasn’t doing a good job with my actions.
With all of this behind me, I find myself once again stopping to reflect, but the difference is NOW IS MY TIME TO ACT. I don’t care what has happened in the past, I need to keep pushing through and learn from the lessons that life teaches me and continue to stop, reflect, and learn more often.
Greatness Everyday podcasts out on Tuesdays and Saturdays!
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