Pomodoro Until Tomorrow! (The Best App for Time Management)

3 min readJul 14, 2018


The Pomodoro technique is more than just a fancy name, it’s actually a really effective strategy that I’ve used to increase my productivity and still feel mentally focused and refreshed while getting my work done.

The technique was first developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s as a time management system and has been adopted by thousands of people. It consists of a few simple steps:

  1. Choose a task that you will be completing.
  2. Set the pomodoro for your first work interval, which is 25 minutes.
  3. Work on the task until the timer rings.
  4. When the first work interval is complete, put a checkmark on a piece of paper to keep track of your intervals.
  5. Take a short break (should be 5 minutes). For my breaks, I like to get up and leave the room, I’ll go for a walk, go get a drink of water, maybe do a few pushups — something to get the blood flowing. I completely leave behind what I am doing and take a physical and mental break from the task.
  6. When the break is over, begin your second work interval for another 25 minutes and continue working on your task. When you finish a task, make sure to move to the next item of your to-do list.
  7. After every 4 “Pomodoros” which consists of a work-interval and a rest-interval, take a longer break. I like mine to be 20–30 minutes because that allows me to completely decompress from my task and do something like more exercise, talk with someone, or get a snack.

The creator of this method prefers that you use a manual timer, as the act of physically setting the timer and hearing the ticking can motivate you to keep focused for the time interval, but I really like using an app called “Focus Keeper” to track my pomodoros for a few different reasons.

  1. I always have it with me. I don’t have to carry around a timer and pencil and paper, it’s always on my phone which I carry with me.
  2. I can turn the ticking on and off, or wear headphones. If I was using a manual timer and I was working in a library, cafe, or a coworking space for example, I am sure that people would find a manual timer annoying. This is a huge plus for me to using the app.
  3. I can set the work interval and rest intervals to whatever time lengths I want. There might be times that this is beneficial, but I keep it 25 work, 5 rest almost all of the time.

I really believe that this technique can be used by everyone, no matter what their task. I’ve used it while working on my business, as well other things like marking tests and I encourage my students to use it when studying. It can also be applied to other professions like doctors, lawyers, office jobs and simple things like completing tasks around your house.

My challenge to you is to try implementing the Pomodoro Technique into your tasks over the next week and let me know if it helps you in the comment below!

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