Make Your Bed Book Review — Greatness EveryDay Book Club
When I started Greatness EveryDay, I made a few goals that I had for this year and one of them was to read at least two books. I know that to many people reading two books wouldn’t be too hard, but since I finished high school I honestly stopped reading for pleasure and only read for information when I had to for work, or to learn how to do something. And it seemed that anytime I did try to read a book, I never ended up finishing it.
When I made this goal at the start of the year, I wanted to accomplish it. I hate setting goals and not meeting them, so I decided why go through and study a book alone when I can go through it with other people. It forced me to read the book and held me accountable to finish it, and that’s when I created the Greatness EveryDay Book Club.
When I walked into the bookstore for the first time in forever, one book caught my attention and it was the book “Make Your Bed” by Admiral William H. McRaven. I had heard about this book through YouTube videos and articles on personal development and it was short, so I figured it would be a good book for our first book study. With a subtitle like “Little Things That Can Change Your Life… and maybe the world” I think it was a great one to start with.
The book was split up into ten easy to read chapters, each with a specific focus that you could integrate into your life immediately. The author was able to describe many lessons he has learned throughout his life as a NAVY SEAL member, military official, and life experiences in a very simple, yet effective way. He teaches you many lessons as you move through the book with lessons on starting your day by completing a simple task — like making your bed — so that from the moment you wake up you start with a productive mindset. He encourages the reader to be purposeful in establishing quality relationships with the people in our lives because there will be times where we can’t go it alone. The size of your heart matters and life’s not fair — so you’ve got to keep pushing on. He teaches that failure is important and essential to building character and growth and in order to do great things you must dare greatly. There will be moments where you need to step in and stand up to the bullies of life. Rising to the occasion when times are dark, by doing the right thing. Ultimately, what I’m trying to do with the Greatness EveryDay social media channels is what the Admiral McRaven discusses in chapter 9, which is give people hope. Hope is such a powerful thing when it’s there and in the end, with all of these lessons learned you must NEVER, EVER QUIT!
If you would like to purchase a copy of the Make Your Bed book yourself, please click the link in the video description below and I am sure that you will find a lot of value when reading this book:
One of the best parts about doing the book study was learning along with you — our followers. We did this by assigning one chapter per week to read, study, and be purposeful in applying the lessons it talked about into your life. On our Tuesday podcasts, we would give a summary of that week’s chapter, before issuing a challenge to you for the upcoming week. It was great to get messages from people as we went through the book saying that they were either reading or following the podcast, so I challenge you to participate in the next Greatness EveryDay book study, which will be starting on Tuesday, July 20th. We will be reading a book called “THE RIPPLE EFFECT — Sleep Better, Eat Better, Move Better, Think Better” by Dr. Greg Wells, who is a physiologist, an exercise medicine researcher and university professor. To join, all you have to do is get your hands on a copy of the book somehow. I encourage people to borrow it from a friend or library, or click the link in the video description to purchase your copy now:
I didn’t plan on having another book study so soon, but the first one was so valuable to me that I had to start another one and I trust that we will learn a lot that will help us live better, more productive lives.
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