How to Beat Jet Lag

3 min readJul 19, 2018


I want to talk about how I’ve been able to beat jet lag when I travel. I started looking into how I could beat jet lag a few years ago when I was going to be flying into Melbourne, Australia to complete a few months of a student internship. Since I only had about two months of time there and the time difference between my home in Canada and Australia was 13 hours, I wanted to do as much stuff that I could when I was there and I was worried that jet lag could affect that if I was sleepy, I didn’t feel well, or I got sick.

The 4 tips that I’ll share in this video, helped me a lot and really surprised me at how quickly I adjusted to the time difference going there and coming home, as well as when I’ve gone on trips since.

My 4 tips to beat jet lag:

  1. The first tip is to set your clocks to the time of your destination — I’m talking house clocks, your phone, watches, computer, change everything. I find that this helps me get into the mindset of where I’m going even before I get there. If I’m travelling to a time zone with one or two hours difference, I’ll probably change my clocks over that day, but if I’m travelling somewhere with a big difference between my home time and destination time, I might change it over two or more days before.
  2. The second tip is to treat your body like you are in your destination already by sleeping and using the washroom. These are both key adjustments our bodies have to make to adjust to a new time zone and any changes you make in advance will help you when you get there. When you’re flying it can be hard to sleep sometimes if the cabin lights are on and people are talking, so I’d recommend bringing a pillow, an eye mask, and noise cancelling headphones and it will pay off greatly if you’re disciplined.
  3. The third tip is to eat and drink as if you would if you were in the place you are going — make sure to eat three regular meals “breakfast, lunch and supper” at similar times that you will be doing when you land. Focus on eating good quality foods, not junk, and make sure to stay hydrated. I drink a lot of water when I’m flying.
  4. The fourth tip is to stay up until a regular “bedtime” where you will be staying — this is perhaps the most important tip of them all. When I flew into Melbourne, it was 8:00 AM and we had just finished travelling for 36 hours, so I was pretty tired. I knew that I wouldn’t be rewarded for all the work I had done to beat the jet lag if I didn’t stay up until that evening. We filled our day with activities and my favourite thing to do when I get to a new place is explore it by exercise. I remember running around the city and figuring out where things were and it was a great way to pass the time until I crashed and slept that night.

These are my four best tips for beating jet lag and I hope they help you on your next trip. Please let me know in the comments below what tips you use.

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